The Christian gospel is a message of hope for all. However, it is not the only promoted avenue of ‘hope’ in our contemporary world. From competing world religions to secular ambitions and pleasures, the world is continually asking, ‘What is the source of hope?’

Global Interests
Digital interest in Christianity is meager compared to sex, money, and entertainment.

World Religions
Contrary to predictions of mass secularization by Western academics in the middle of the 20th century, the world is more rather than less religious compared to 50 years ago.

Religious Diversity
Aside from Hindus, Christians are the most likely religious group to be unfamiliar with witnessing to their faith in contexts where they are the minority.

The most dominant global religious change in the coming decades will be those leaving Christianity for unaffiliated.

Hinduism remains concentrated within India – along with Nepal – and the Indian diaspora. By 2050, the United States will have the world’s fifth largest Hindu population.

Because of 20th century European migrations, more Jewish people live in the United States than in any other country. Israel, however, is predicted to have the world’s largest Jewish population by 2050.