What is the Source of Hope?

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Global Values

Knowledge Area Priorities

Source: Google NGram (https://books.google.com/ngrams/), English Publications, Non-English publications have limited global statistical impact

Transcendtal Values

Source: Google NGram, English Publications, Non-English publications have limited global statistical impact

Prioritization of Self

Source: Google NGram (https://books.google.com ngrams/), English Publications, Non-English publications have limited global statistical impact

Changing Values

Since 1800 there has been a massive shift in publication focus areas. In 1800 religion was the primary publication interest until science surpassed it in the mid-1800s. In the last century interest in religion has been surpassed by several fields including politics, music, and technology. Christianity is lowest listed of all fields. In recent decades, however, religion, and Christianity are trending upwards.

Love, Science, and the Self are the leading global values.

When observing interest in transcendental values, we are living in a time where ‘love’ is the highest, and supreme value. Truth, having fallen below hope, is now making a reemergence to its historic place as a key interest.

Most notably, the last 15-20 years has seen a fundamental reorientation of the prioritization of self over community.
