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Religious Diversity

Global Religious Diversity

Source: World Christian Database, Accessed March 2023

Out Of Touch

Aside from Hindus, Christians are the most likely religious group to be unfamiliar with witnessing to their faith in contexts where they are the minority. Buddhists, on the other hand, are the most likely to live in places where they are the minority faith.

Because of growing rates of migration and urbanization, Christians living in cities are more likely to have contact with people of other faiths.

Diverse Asia

Christians in Asia are most likely to be familiar with witnessing to their faith in contexts of religious difference.

Singapore is the most religiously diverse nation, with four religious groups – including Christianity – making up over 10 percent of the population. Followers of Jesus from places like Singapore will increasingly serve as models of witness in an increasingly religiously diverse world.

Changing West

The growth of the unaffiliated – those claiming no religious belonging – is perhaps the most significant religious trend in Western nations. While Islam has grown some in Europe through migration, North America still has very low rates of religious diversity (especially when removing the unaffiliated, who are almost uniformly post-Christian). Also, most immigrants to North America – and even to Europe – identify as Christian.

Majority And Minority

“Percentage of religious groups that live in countries where its adherents are a majority or minority.”

Source: Pew Research Center, “Global Religious Landscape”

Religious Diversity By Region

Source: World Christian Database, Accessed March 2023