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Worship Engagement

Weekly Worship Attendance

Worship attendance includes all major religions

Source: Pew Research Center, “The Age Gap in Religion Around the World,” 2008-2017

% Weekly Worship* Attendance

% of adults who attend religious services weekly

Source: Pew Research Center, “The Age Gap…,” 2008-2017; *Worship attendance includes all major religions.

Global Worship

When comparing the religious adherence and weekly worship attendance, there is a noticeable difference. The percent of individuals who worship on a weekly basis is often significantly lower than the percent of individuals that identify as Christian.

Worship attendance is lower than religious identification.

Across the global regions, there are noticeable variances. Africa leads the globe in average weekly attendance with countries like Nigeria seeing most of its population attending worship. On the other end of the spectrum, Europe and North America average the lowest attendance – with most European countries seeing less than 15 percent attendance. Latin America and Asia have a wide range of attendance across the region. Countries like Indonesia and Guatemala see over 70 percent weekly attendance and countries like Uruguay (less than 15 percent) and China (less than 5 percent) have only a small minority attending weekly.

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