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Prayer Engagement

Weekly Prayer

Prayer engagement includes all major religions

Source: Pew Research Center, “The Age Gap in Religion Around the World,” 2008-2017

% Weekly Prayer*

% of adults who say they pray daily

Source: Pew Research Center, “The Age Gap in…,” 2008-2017; *Prayer engagement includes all major world religions

Global Prayer

When comparing the prayer engagement and weekly worship attendance, there is a noticeable difference. The percent of individuals who engage in weekly prayer is observably higher in most countries than individuals who participate in weekly worship.

Across the global regions, the variance between regions aligns with variances in weekly worship attendance. Africa, overall, is more engaged with prayer, and Europe on the whole is least engage with prayer. Latin America and Asia have a wide range of engagement across the region – but similarly overall higher than worship attendance.

Prayer engagement is more frequent than worship attendance.

Notably the United States has one of the largest differences between worship attendance (35-40 percent) and prayer engagement (50-55 percent). Additionally, in the United States, prayer is more common than in many other wealthy countries.
