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LGBTQ Civil and Political Rights

Source: International LGBT Association; Code of Federal Regulations Research

Regional Variance

Same-sex civil and political rights vary across the globe. The Global West primarily allows for full legal or constitutional protection of same-sex marriage. Generally speaking, Africa and Asia provide less legal or constitutional protections. On the far end of the spectrum, much of the Middle East and North Africa, in majority Islamic countries, criminalizes same-sex activities.

Same-sex marriage legal protection varies along regional lines.

Individual views on same-sex marriage correlate with official governmental positions. Global West countries such as Netherlands, Australia, and USA, have a 70% or higher approval rating for marriage or legal recognition. In contrast, countries like Malaysia have a 16 percent approval rating.

Same-sex Marriage Approval by Age

Source: Ipsos, “LGBT+ Pride 2021 Global Survey”

Same-sex Marriage Approval by Country

Source: Ipsos, “LGBT+ Pride 2021 Global Survey”

Rising LGBTQ Acceptance

Source: Pew Research Center, “Global Attitudes Survey,” Spring 2019


In the period from 2000-2020 global acceptance of LGBTQ has risen gradually, with re- gional variants in the level of acceptance. Parallel to this, the number of publications on LGBTQ issues has increased. Yet it should be noted that the volume of publications on LGBTQ is small compared to digital interest in sex / porn vs. Christianity.


Globally, youth are more willing to accept homosexuality as part of society than older generations. This difference is most striking with the 50+ generation. The largest generation gap occurs in East Asia with South Korea recording a 56-point difference, and Japan recording a 36-point difference between the youngest and oldest generations.

Global Publication Volume

Source: Google NGram (https://books.google.com ngrams/), English Publications, Non-English publications have limited global statistical impact

Acceptance of LGBTQ by Age

% who say homosexuality should be accepted by society

Source: Pew Research Center, “Global Attitudes Survey,” 2019