What is a Digital Life?

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Information Overload

Increase Worldwide Data

Source: Signals, pg. 72; Reinsel et al. via IDC, 2018; *One zettabyte is equivalent to a trillion gigabytes

A Digital Age

Since 2010, the total amount of captured and accessible data has rapidly increased with an estimated 60 zettabyes in 2020. This dramatic increase is forecasted to continue to a projected 160-180 zettabytes in 2025.

The amount of data available will continue to dramatically increase.

With the advent of global Internet of Things, remote work, in-home entertainment, mobile communications, etc., between 2010 and 2050 data interactions are projected to increase by approximately 5000 percent. Just on WhatsApp alone in 2023, 140 billion messages are exchanged every day between the 2.78 billion users. Arguably the rise of the digital age and access to data is unprecedented and is fundamentally reshaping the world.

World of Screens

In the last half century, much of the world has evolved from a prescreen world to a world saturated by screens. Screen time globally is increasing every year, having significantly increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. Youth spend more time online than any other generation. Overall, the average daily global screen time is 6:37 and climbing.

Global Public Perception About Technology

Source: Ipsos, “Global Trends,” 2023

Daily Time Using the Internet

Average amount of time (in hours and minutes) that users aged 16 to 64 spend on the internet

Source: GWI (GlobalWebIndex), Q3 2022