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Between the third and fourth Lausanne global congress, digital technology has fundamentally changed the world. For most of the world, with notable exceptions, the internet, screens, social media, virtual work, shape large portions of life, leading to the question, ‘What is a digital life?’

The following section explores the context shifts in technology, including connectivity, decentralization, Web 3, and social media.

Digital Connectivity

Globally, approximately 60 percent of the world is connected to the internet.

Information Overload

The amount of data available will continue to dramatically increase.


The development of Web 3 marks a fundamental shift in technology and ideology towards decentralization, empowering individuals by shifting power to them.

Global Social Media

The majority of the world are social media users.

Social Media

With global individuals spending an estimated average of 2 hours and 20 minutes on social media per day, the purpose of this time is critical to examine.
