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Global Poverty

Extreme Poverty 1990-2019

Source: World Bank Poverty and Inequality Platform; B = Billion

Reduction Of Poverty

There has been a remarkable reduction in global extreme poverty, defined as surviving on less than $1.25 per day.

The number of people living in extreme poverty has reduced from over two billion people in 1990 to under one billion in 2019.

Over thirty years, extreme poverty has been cut in half globally even while the global population grew by over 2 billion people.

This highlights the importance of integral mission, calling Christians to address not only spiritual needs but also the physical, social, and economic well-being of all people.

Regional Poverty Decline

Source: Gilbert Fontana, The Visual Capitalist, International Labor Organization, 2021

Regional Poverty

Remarkable global reduction in extreme poverty has occurred across most regions, although progress has varied among them.

Overall, Asia has seen the largest reduction of poverty across all sub-regions. East Asia has seen the most dramatic reduction of extreme poverty, followed by South East Asia and South Asia.

Asia has seen the largest reduction of poverty across all sub-regions.

Sub-Saharan Africa has seen an increase in extreme poverty, deviating from the positive global trend. With the reduction of poverty in Asia, and rise in Africa, the people living in extreme poverty are African.

Acknowledging the complexity of poverty reduction is crucial, considering factors such as conflicts, population growth, environment, and inequality.
