Difficult Terms: 'Unreached'

In this series of short videos from the Lausanne Movement, we define key missional terms in an easy-to-understand way. We often hear the term ‘unreached people groups’ when speaking about global missions, and the term itself came out of the First Lausanne Congress in 1974. But what does it actually mean? Learn the biblical and historical contexts behind this term and the implications and challenges of its usage today. Ivor Poobalan is the co-chair of the Lausanne Theology Working Group and the principal of Colombo Theological Seminary in Sri Lanka.

Speaker's Bio

Ivor Gerard Poobalan

Ivor Poobalan has served as the principal at Colombo Theological Seminary (CTS) in Sri Lanka since 1998. CTS is an evangelical, interdenominational, trilingual seminary. Ivor’s first job was as youth pastor for churches in Colombo. He graduated with honours from the London School of Theology (UK) with a BA in theology and from Trinity International University (Illinois, US) with a ThM in Old Testament and semitic languages. In 2015 he was conferred a PhD by the University of Cape Town for his dissertation titled 'Who is "The God of This Age" in 2 Corinthians 4:4?' Ivor is married to Denisa and they are parents to daughters Anisha Eng and Serena.