In this special issue of the LGA, we cover from various angles the review and evaluation of the Fourth Lausanne Congress (2024) in Seoul-Incheon, South Korea. First, looking back and looking forward, we review the Lausanne’s historical core documents (the Lausanne Covenant, the Manila Manifesto, the Cape Town Commitment) and the latest Seoul Statement; followed by three articles of in-depth and honest evaluation by leaders of the Core Congress Team—the planning and organizing committee of the Congress who were also implementing the programme on the ground.
Writing as one of the delegates at the Congress in ‘Whose Collaboration? Whose Priorities? A Missiological Response to the Seoul Statement’, Kang San Tan, General Director of BMS World Mission, engages with ‘a few selected themes of the Seoul Statement’ and reflects ‘on its contribution in clarifying theological convictions for mission.’ By analysing the Seoul Statement with reference to Lausanne’s core documents, the author offers a missiological response relating to the theme of post-Congress’s kingdom impact in every sphere of society. He concludes with a provoking question: ‘Whose collaboration and whose priorities will direct the future of mission in a polycentric world?’
Evi Rodemann who served as the Congress Event Coordinator ‘explores the possible impact on collaboration in global mission through the Fourth Lausanne Congress while defining impact and offering a matrix for measurement’ in ‘Collaboration in Global Mission: Measuring the Impact of the Fourth Lausanne Congress’. Using frameworks such as the ‘impact cycle’ and the ‘result staircase’, the Core Congress team was able to measure the output, outcome, and impact of the Congress against the predefined vision and goals. While the immediate fruits of the gathering seem very positive, the author believes that ‘the long-term outcomes will only emerge as participants incorporate insights gained from the Congress ‘into their ministries and serve as multipliers in their communities.’
In ‘The Critical Role of Networks: The Impact of the Fourth Lausanne Congress on Lausanne’s Regional and Issue Networks’ Sandra Kunze, the Director of Gathering support during the Congress, highlights the importance of networks for ‘sustaining the impact of global gatherings’. The Fourth Lausanne Congress is no exception. Networks facilitate collaboration by connecting participants before, during, and after the Congress, particularly Lausanne’s regional and issue-focused networks. From the feedback, the Congress has ‘successfully fostered connections, collaboration, and ongoing engagement.’ However ‘to ensure the Movement’s continued vitality and effectiveness,’ we need to prioritize ‘streamlined support systems,’ enhance ‘resource allocation,’ and refine ‘engagement strategies,’ the author writes.
Finally, the Global Executive Director/CEO of the Lausanne Movement Michael Oh speaks from his heart to younger leaders of the global church in ‘A (Beautifully) Imperfect Gathering of a (Beautifully) Imperfect Family Hosted by a (Beautifully) Imperfect Movement: An open letter to those who will lead the global church in 2050’. He shares ‘not only some of the many reasons to praise God for his hand upon the Fourth Lausanne Congress but also some of the heartaches and challenges’ for their ‘encouragement and benefit’. One of the key challenges is the ‘relational conflict as seen very often within mission teams and Christian communities.’ He concludes with ‘four strategies for how NOT to respond to this ugly and inevitable reality.’ Please read the whole letter and allow it to speak to you.
Another reason for this LGA March 2025 being special is that this will be the last issue of the LGA in its current format. The Lausanne Global Analysis was launched in November 2012, after the Third Lausanne Congress, also known as Cape Town 2010. We affirmed its purpose ‘to fortify the vision of the Lausanne Movement . . . by means of a bold strategy shaped by profound missiological, cultural, and theological reflection’ as we looked back in the LGA November 2022 article, Lessons from 10 Years of Lausanne Global Analysis. The LGA is now available in Portuguese, Spanish, French, and Korean, besides English, with average pageviews of more than 360,000 annually. We have been encouraged by the increase in the number of pageviews over the years, particularly for the Korean version.
I would like to express my sincere thanks for the leadership and dedication of the LGA editorial advisory board members (past and present), for the contributions from all the authors over the years, for the amazing teamwork of the communications and translation teams, and most of all for the positive as well as constructive feedback from you, our LGA global readers. You have motivated us to do our best for the Lord’s kingdom.
As we said in our 10th year commemoration article:
We hope and pray that the story of LGA could inspire our brothers and sisters in various regions to collaborate with one another, interculturally and intergenerationally, and to embark on their own analysis of events, issues, and trends in light of Scripture and God’s mission.’