Issue Networks

Health for All Nations

The church's strategic role in whole-person health and healing for all nations.

One of the greatest challenges facing the church is to address the need of people everywhere to live lives of health and wholeness (shalom). This was at the very heart of Jesus’ ministry on earth as demonstrated by his integration of preaching, teaching, and discipling with works of deliverance and healing. Jesus practiced care of the whole person—body, soul, and spirit—in the individuals’ social context. And he expected his disciples and his church to continue this form of ministry. Unfortunately, dualism (separating our faith from the rest of our lives) as well as a reductionist attitude (oversimplifying complex situations and phenomena) has crept into the thinking and activities of the church and into the attitudes of many who treat diseases.

How can the whole church recapture this more integrated and holistic calling, working together for the healing of the nations? We propose:

  • Collaborating with a cross-disciplinary group of theologians, missiologists, pastors, anthropologists, sociologists, educators, and Christian healthcare professionals in various fields including global health, community health, tertiary healthcare, mental health, and more
  • Connecting with community-based initiatives, hospitals, consultations, groups supporting health workers and health policy advocacy, local congregations, and other ministries related to biblical health, healing, and wholeness
  • Discerning and understanding how ministries of health, healing, and wholeness are demonstrated in the Bible
  • Coordinating regional forums/workshops
  • Employing research and developing best practices
  • Calling Christians from every church and sector to rediscover the healing mission of the church

‘We call on all local Christian communities to demonstrate respect for the unique dignity and sanctity of human life, by practical and holistic caring which integrates the physical, emotional, relational and spiritual aspects of our created humanity.’ The Cape Town Commitment (II-A-6)

Mental Health and Trauma Resources

A collection of insightful mental health and trauma resources are available in the Lausanne content library. The Lausanne Global Classroom episode on mental health and trauma is particularly valuable as the global church is beginning to recognize that mental health and trauma issues must be a major ministry priority.

Previous Webinars:

Network Catalysts

Karen Bomilcar

Catalyst for Health for All Nations

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Martha Mwendafilumba

Catalyst for Health for All Nations

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Michael Soderling

Catalyst for Health for All Nations

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