
Creation Care and the Gospel Conference: Canada/US

27 - 31 Jul 2015 Wenham, Massachusetts, USA

This conference is one of a series of events in the Lausanne Creation Care Network’s global creation care campaign. Emerging from the Lausanne Global Consultation on Creation Care and the Gospel held in Jamaica in November 2012, each of these conferences is designed to help participants develop creation care movements in their own countries. (Learn more about the global campaign.)

This conference will follow the basic content outline developed in Jamaica, with one day given to each of three major topics: God’s Word (theology), God’s World (science), God’s Work (our response).

Recognizing that there is already a creation care movement in the both Canada and the United States, but that it has not yet penetrated within the evangelical community to the extent that is needed, this conference will focus not on establishing a movement, since that has already been done, but rather on celebrating that movement and laying groundwork for a more effective outreach to the larger evangelical community in both countries.

Attention will also be given to The Jamaica Call to Action, an important document that came out of the Jamaica Consultation.

Some funding is available for travel grants and scholarships.

Conference attendance is by invitation only. Please contact to inquire about participation and for further details.

Date 1437955200
End Date 1438300800