YLGen is a 10-year commitment to strategically partner with younger leaders and to connect them more intentionally to Lausanne issue networks, regions, resources, and mentors, as well as to one another through peer groups.


At the heart of YLGen is the mission ‘to connect influencers and ideas across generations for global mission so that the world may know Christ!’ In pursuing this mission, YLGen hopes and prays for three outcomes. These are:


Through connections with experienced, godly leaders, we hope younger leaders would grow to live and lead like Jesus, in humility, integrity, and simplicity. We want them to be Christ-like leaders.


We help each younger leader grow connections within the Movement, marked with the spirit of Lausanne—in humility, friendship, study, prayer, partnership, and hope. Through intentional discipleship, we desire to help them be Christ-serving leaders.


We want each younger leader to flourish in their calling and to have a key role in advancing God’s global mission, that the world might know Christ! We want them to be Christ-following leaders.


Our vision for generations of Christ-like, Christ-following, and Christ-serving influencers connected across cultures in the global church shapes the heart of who we are, what we do in YLGen, and how we do it.

Investing in Younger Leaders

We are committed to investing in younger leaders through mentoring, building missional community, creating opportunities for further equipping, and integrating younger leaders into existing leadership teams.

YLGen Commitment Areas and Special Projects

Scriptures and Prayer

Younger leaders are encouraged to develop a vital and life-transforming relationship with God through regular engagement in Scripture and prayer. YLGen provides Scripture reflection resources for use in personal life, mentoring relationships, and ministry teams. YLGen also facilitates regular global prayer meetings to pray together for global mission and issues facing ‘YLGeners’.

John 3:17 Scripture Resources

Missional Resources

We want to connect younger leaders with influencers and ideas so that the world might know Christ. We hope to connect younger leaders with resources that will enable and empower them to contribute to the fulfillment of the fourfold vision of Lausanne for global mission, and to see a new generation of reflective practitioners raised up to help fulfill the Great Commission. YLGen provides missional resources through regular webinars (YLGen Equip), higher education opportunities (YLGen Educate) and Writing of articalc (YLGen Empower).

YLGen Equip

A platform for high-level teachers to engage with groups of YLGeners in a way that informs them on topics and opens doors for ongoing conversation, mentoring, and fellowship.

YLGen Educate

This initiative offers full-tuition scholarships, connects emerging leaders with robust education programs for a global context.

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USD 1,003,642 total value of scholarships to date

10 PhD students and 9 Master’s students.

20 Graduates (Programme Completions)

12 Emerging Theologians (LETI)

43 Total programme beneficiaries (including LETI)

27 Countries


The Empower team opens doors for younger leaders to contribute to global church issues through writing. The team has so far made four contributions to the global church through writing.

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Mentoring Team

With the goal of multiplication of Christ-like, Christ-following, and Christ-serving YLs, we want to partner with the global church to mobilize for whole-life mentoring to strengthen multigenerational disciple-making. The mentoring team also empowers mentoring relationships through quarterly mentoring calls and a podcast production series—A Conversation with a Mentor.

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Lausanne Emerging Theologians Initiatives (LETI)

LETI, an initiative of Lausanne in partnership with Union School of Theology and SaRang Church, seeks to equip emerging theologians to multiply training for pastors, scholars, and leaders worldwide. Inspired by John Stott’s legacy, LETI upholds values of delight in God, growth in Christ, service to the church, and blessing the world.

Launched in March 2024, LETI cohort represents participants from 12 Countries and 8 regions.

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YLGen Online Community

YLGen hosts regular online community calls for missional engagement, fellowship, and friendship for global missions, and utilises social media to foster connections.

YLGen Country Gatherings

Following the Younger Leaders gathering in Jakarta, in 2016, Younger Leaders host in-Country and regional meet-ups for missional engagement, fellowship, and friendship for global missions.

Country Events

In November 2023, a regional Younger Leaders Gathering (YLG) was hosted in Europe. Fifty younger leaders met together, along with mentors. Speakers represented 14 different countries. Europe hosted another regional gathering in Albania in November 2024.

Japan hosted a Lausanne Japan Younger Leaders Gathering in Tokyo in March 2024. This was an intergenerational event, with whole families attending. The event was hosted in order to build genuine friendships that serve as the foundation for genuine mission collaboration.

Special Projects

The Lausanne Leadership Journey (LLJ) is an intentional experiential journey embedded in a context of community and friendship across generations and cultures designed to shape, equip, and transform emerging leaders for global kingdom influence and impact.

Introducing the Lausanne Leadership Journey

The Lausanne Leadership Journey (LLJ) is a new endeavour that seeks to impact the next generation of Christian leaders who will be the global leaders and influencers in the year 2050.

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