Issue Networks

Ministry Fundraising

Equipping Christian leaders and fundraisers to grow generous givers to God’s mission globally.

Churches and ministries need funds to reach people with the gospel. But often they have not received any training on biblical principles of stewardship and fundraising. That is why many church and ministry leaders today see fundraising as a secular activity rather than as a spiritual ministry.

Ministry Fundraising Network (MFN), an issue network of the Lausanne Movement, is seeking to change this mindset by promoting an understanding of fundraising and building relationships with supporters as a spiritual activity.

Ministry fundraising is all about creating opportunities to involve God’s people in mission. It is a way of motivating every Christian to grow as a generous steward of God-given resources.

MFN members are fundraising practitioners and consultants working together to equip church leaders and ministry fundraisers to grow generous givers particularly in their local settings.

We provide training and resources including blogs, webinars, books, etc that can enable church leaders and ministry fundraisers to gain the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in raising more funds and new partners for God’s mission.

Let us instead work for true mutuality of North and South, East, and West, for interdependence in giving and receiving, for the respect and dignity that characterizes genuine friends and true partners in mission. – The Cape Town Commitment II – F – 2B

Network Catalysts

Redina Kolaneci

Catalyst for Ministry Fundraising

View Profile

Kehinde Ojo

Catalyst for Ministry Fundraising

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