
Middle East and North Africa

North Africa is an economically prosperous area, generating one-third of Africa’s total GDP. Saudi Arabia is one of the world’s largest oil producers and accounts for roughly 15% of global output. Oil production is also high in Libya. Geographically, the region intersects the Arab World and Africa, and is characterised by dry, arid conditions.

Despite being the geographical origin of the Christian faith, Christianity is a significant minority religion within the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Today, only 5% of the Middle Eastern population is Christian, while the rest of this region is predominantly Muslim. Despite facing thorns of persecution, political instability, and poverty that threaten to choke out the seed of the church before it can take root, bear fruit, and flourish, the Lord continues to demonstrate that he is growing his church in this region. Some of the boldest Believers are found in this region, and they contribute a powerful voice of remaining faithful under persecution to the global church. Lausanne is privileged to play a role of assisting the church in MENA to collaborate and share the deep and moving work that is happening in this region.

Pray for our work in Middle East and North Africa

  1. Faithfulness and persecution – Pray that the church would remain faithful despite ongoing political struggles, persecution, isolation and restricted freedom.
  2. Refugees seeking asylum – Pray for the many refugees who are seeking asylum in neighbouring countries to find protection, provision and comfort in light of facing much loss.
  3. We may remain joyful in hope – Pray that we would be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. (Romans 12:12)

Welcome from Our Regional Directors

Regional Report on the 40 Themes of the Lausanne State of the Great Commission Report (SoGC)

This report contextualizes the findings of the State of the Great Commission Report to the Middle East and North Africa. It outlines the unique opportunities and challenges within the region, exploring how these factors can inspire enhanced collaboration for global mission.

Regional Directors

Michael El Daba

Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa

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2 - 5 Oct 2025 | Accra, Ghana
Join us from 2–5 October 2025 in Accra, Ghana, for the first Lausanne Workplace Forum for Africa and the Middle East.In recent years, many critical networks, events, and resources regarding faith and work have developed to address the challenge of overcoming the sacred/secular divide of work. The Lausanne Workplace…
2 - 5 Oct 2025 | Acra, Ghana
Únase a nosotros del 2 al 5 de octubre de 2025 en Acra, Ghana, para el primer Foro del Trabajo de Lausana para África y Oriente PróximoEn los últimos años, se han desarrollado muchas redes, eventos y recursos críticos relacionados con la fe y el trabajo para abordar el…

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