Episode Overview
This Classroom episode is on Workplace Ministry. In June 2019 in Manila, Philippines, the Lausanne Global Workplace Forum brought together more than 900 workplace leaders from around the world to discuss how the workplace can function as a place of outreach and ministry. The workplace has greatly changed in recent history. It is therefore important to redeem and reclaim the whole area of work, vocation, and ministry in all areas of life through affirming the people of God as prophets, priests, and kings in their vocations and occupations from Monday to Saturday. This affirmation essentially equips every believer to live and serve as a full-time servant and ambassador of Jesus Christ in everyday living, breaking down the sacred-secular divide that is so pervasive in Christian culture. This episode examines the impact and effect that Christians can and should have in the workplace, how the Bible supports this notion, and how the church can support and encourage Christian workers through inspiring leaders, organizations, and movements to understand the importance of workplace ministry to global evangelization.
Episode Outline
- 1. Giving God Glory at Work
- 2. Faith in Our Workplaces
- 3. Work is a Holy Calling
- 4. The Changing Global Workplace
- 5. Christians Belong in the Workplace Too
- 6. Church, Don’t Miss the Opportunity of the Global Workplace
- 7. Challenges to Faith in the Workplace
- 8. Renewing Our Vision for Impacting the Workplace with the Gospel
- 9. On Mission with God at Work
Resources are available to use this Global Classroom episode in a variety of contexts including classrooms, small groups, and individual study.