Episode Overview
This Classroom episode is on Church Planting. This episode of the Lausanne Global Classroom examines the gospel issue of church planting. Central to the mission of God is the planting of the church. ‘I will build my church and all the powers of hell will not conquer it’ (Matt 16:18 NLT). God has entrusted to his people, the whole church, the important strategy of planting more and better visible expressions of himself. The process of collaborative church planting-proclamation, discipleship, gathering, equipping, and impacting society-is the most effective way to reconcile a nation to Christ. When the wider body of believers blend their individual God-given church planting visions into a combined vision, it has its greatest impact and potential of discipling a whole nation.
Episode Outline
- 1. Introduction to Church Planting
- 2. What is Church Planting
- 3. Why Church Planting is Important
- 4. Biblical and Theological Foundations of Church Planting
- 5. Church Planting in History
- 6. How to Plant Churches
- 7. Church Planting, Culture, and Missions
- 8. Church Planting Saturation and Multiplication
- 9. Church Planting Success Stories
- 10. Insights for Young Church Planters
- 11. Advice to Overseers
- 12. Conclusion
Resources are available to use for this Global Classroom episode in a variety of contexts including classrooms, small groups, and individual study.