
Kenya Report


Impacting A Continent One Life At A Time


Molo, Kenya Mission

View Event Information


Molo, Kenya


June 24 – July 4, 2010

Ministry Partners


Janet MwendwaSpeaker


Steve WingfieldSpeaker

Event Report

Molo Kenya has made news all over the world. However, this is not for good reasons but is due to tribal clashes, which occurred in 1992, 1997, 2002 and 2007. People are still traumatized. This made the initial words from Rev. James Karanja, the Chairman of the Molo mission even more important when he read Psalms 37: 3-6 – “Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.” He said that as we reach out for Molo we need to trust in God.

With rakes, brooms, and machettes in hand, missioners enthusiastically went about cleaning the city physically to start the mission. Spiritual cleaning began at the opening rally which estimated that approximately 1,500 people came, the biggest crowd African Enterprise has ever seen in a launch rally. A convicted criminal gave a testimony in one of the devotions of how he had turned his life to the Lord during the Molo Mission. When the missioners met him and shared with him about the love of God, he remembered how God spared his life and he surrendered his life to Him. He told the attentive crowd how he escaped from prison and how the police tried to shoot him but God delivered him because He has a purpose for his life. He said he was later arrested and served his full sentence and now he is a free man. In one of the school rallies, where our team ministered, 52 girls came to the Lord.

The final rallies took place at Molo stadium on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Dr. Steve Wingfield was ministering. On Sunday, during the final rally, the stadium was filled with many people from all walks of life. It was a wonderful ending to a great week which was the beginning of a walk with Christ for hundreds of individuals.

To view the full report from the Molo Mission, please click here.

Event Highlights

  • City Cleaning
  • Launch Rally
  • Person-to-Person Evangelism
  • Leaders Dinner
  • School Ministry
  • Professional Forum
  • Pastors wives, men's forum, youth rally, children's rally, couples forum and the women's forum

Event Statistics

  • Total Meetings: 17
  • Total Attendance: 9,000 (only 25,000 in entire community)
  • Total Responses: 1,400

Event Pictures

Molo, Kenya Mission
Molo, Kenya Mission
Molo, Kenya Mission
Molo, Kenya Mission
Molo, Kenya Mission
Molo, Kenya Mission
Molo, Kenya Mission
Molo, Kenya Mission