
Why Lausanne?

Billy Graham 16 Jul 1974

Editor's Note

Why Lausanne' is Billy Graham's opening plenary address, given at the First International Congress on World Evangelization in Lausanne, Switzerland, in 1974. (Original audio recording in English and interpretations in the six other official Congress languages are also available.)

Download PDF from the original publication in Let the Earth Hear His Voice (World Wide Publications, 1975).

Special thanks to the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association for giving us permission to post this article. All rights remain with the original publisher and the authors. Reproduction by any means is strictly for non-commercial purposes only and must not be sold or distributed. Originally published in Let the Earth Hear His Voice, ©1975 World Wide Publications. Used with permission. All rights reserved. 

Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Planning Committee has invited participants from every possible nation and nearly every evangelical denomination and parachurch organization in the world. Never before have so many representatives of so many evangelical Christian churches in so many nations and from so many tribal and language groups gathered to worship, pray, and plan together for world evangelization.

Assembled here tonight are more responsible leaders from more growing national churches of Asia, Africa, and Latin America than have ever met before. Here in Lausanne tonight are participants from areas where the gospel had not been preached until recent decades.

This Lausanne Congress is also significant because representatives are here from older churches that have witnessed and evangelized for centuries, and younger churches in Africa, Asia, and Latin America who have taken up the torch and are sending missionaries to other nations as well. In recent years, teams of Christians from Indonesia have gone to Pakistan. Koreans are sending evangelists to Thailand. Japanese are going to Indonesia, Taiwanese are going to Africa, and Africans are going to the United States! And we need them—and welcome them! It is a new day for world evangelization when the whole church can go into much of the world.

Almost 20 percent of you here are engaged in cross-cultural overseas evangelism. Others of you represent every conceivable type of evangelistic effort within your nations. The evangelistic cutting edge of the church of Jesus Christ worldwide is here to seek how we can work together to fulfill Christ’s last commission as quickly and thoroughly as possible.

Since we met in Berlin eight years ago, tremendous developments have been taking place in the religious world. We are all aware of the startling changes in the Roman Catholic world. I also detect a wistful longing on the part of a small but growing number of ecumenical leaders for a greater emphasis on orthodox biblical theology and a re-evaluation of some of the pronouncements in theological, sociological, and political areas.

Then there has been the phenomenal development of the charismatic movement.

We have met at a time marked by signposts of both promise and danger. Promise—in that God is at work in a remarkable way. Never have so many people been so open to the gospel.

In parts of Asia, there are evidences of the outpourings of God’s Spirit in evangelism. In Korea, the church is increasing at a rate four times faster than the population. In certain parts of northeast India, Christians now form a majority of the population and are bringing about a whole new dimension of civic righteousness.

In Papua New Guinea, a land where the gospel was virtually unknown before this generation, a large percentage of the people now profess faith in Christ. Latin Americans are responding to the gospel in unprecedented numbers. Evangelical churches in many parts of Latin America are multiplying vigorously.

In North America, especially the United States, there has been a remarkable upsurge of interest in the gospel in the last decade—especially among the youth.

It is true that old traditional denominations with theologically liberal tendencies are declining, yet it is interesting to note the more evangelical denominations such as the Southern Baptist Convention (America’s largest Protestant denomination) are showing steady growth.

Another interesting phenomenon in America is that the evangelical theological seminaries and Bible schools are overflowing and the more liberal schools are seeing a dramatic drop in enrollment. At the same time, scores of parachurch evangelistic organizations are flourishing as never before.

In 1945, Christians in Africa numbered about twenty million. Today they number at least 70 million. Africa, south of the Sahara, could become substantially Christian by the end of the century, in spite of many dangers, obstacles, and even persecutions in some areas.

Europe, which has contributed so much to the evangelization of the world in centuries past, is very difficult to evaluate. Yet there are signs of awakening. I have held almost as many crusades in Europe as in America, if we include Britain.

During Euro ’70, four years ago, we connected 37 cities by closed-circuit television. In many areas, there was an overwhelming response to the gospel.

Next year, thousands of Christian young people will be gathering in Brussels for Eurofest, a week of Bible study and evangelism.

In both Eastern and Western Europe, there are thousands of dedicated, committed believers. Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of the people of Europe never darken the doors of a church. A Danish clergyman recently said, “Europe is one vast mission field.” But there are encouraging signs almost everywhere that God is also at work here.

In the Eastern socialist world, there are evidences of a quiet but real work of the Spirit. In one country, the Baptists, for example, have doubled in numbers in the last decade. Belief in God is indestructible—even in the Soviet Union. Among workers and intellectuals alike, there is a growing awareness of God.

One reporter states that East European students are looking wistfully over their shoulder to Moses and to Christ for a reason to live.

In these days, God is giving his people an opportunity for worldwide witness—perhaps a last chance! But with the promise, there are many dangers.

As we meet here, world problems press upon us. Inflation is sweeping the world, but even worse, the world stands on the very brink of famine. Droughts, floods, and other calamities have destroyed or drastically diminished grain stocks not only in Africa, but in the Philippines, India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan.

The world food shortage is seen in the dry and dusty countries of sandal-shod farmers and nomads, in exposed ribs and swollen bellies.

At the present time, we are seeing a dramatic shift in the world monetary situation. In ten years, the Middle Eastern oil-producing countries will totally dominate the entire international monetary market.

By 1980, just six years from now, a Lebanese banker estimates these Middle Eastern countries will have nearly two-thirds of all the monetary reserves in the world. The wealth of the West, accumulated since World War II, is draining away. The European Common Market will have a balance of payments deficit of about 35 billion dollars this year alone, and this is only the beginning.

All of this will most certainly affect those missionary agencies that depend on financial support in the West. Even smaller and under-developed nations are working on the atomic bomb.

Millions of people have a mood of deep pessimism. Men’s hearts are indeed failing them for fear, as our Lord predicted.

The absence of a fear of God, loss of moral absolutes, sin accepted and glorified, breakdown in the home, disregard for authority, lawlessness, anxiety, hatred, and despair—these are signs of a culture in decay.

In the West, we are witnessing societies in trauma, shaken by war, scandals, inflation, surfeited and bored with materialism, and turned off by lifeless religion. Thousands are turning to perversions, the occult with its Satan worship, mind control, astrology, and various ploys of the devil to lure men away from the truth.

We read about whole villages in the Soviet Union dominated by witches.

It is right that we look for answers and solutions, but we must look in the right place—and that place is the Lord Jesus Christ, who can bring spiritual renewal and liberation.

We meet at a time when the world longs for reassurance, peace, hope, and purpose. Isaiah, the prophet, said centuries ago, “And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God?” (Isaiah 8:19).

Most of us hold the view of Scripture that teaches that as we approach the end of history, things will get worse. Our Lord predicted in Matthew 24 that false prophets, earthquakes, famines, wars, betrayals, moral permissiveness, persecution, and apostasy would precede His return.

We know the whole world will not be converted to Christ—the whole world is not going to become permanently peaceful. But our Lord did promise, “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.”

God is calling out a people for His name—a Christian community in the midst of the ruins of man’s sins, a bride from all races, tongues, and nations for the coming Bridegroom. It is an exciting and thrilling time to be witnesses to this gospel.

Sixty-four years ago, the delegates to the historic Edinburgh Conference left with overwhelming optimism about the future of evangelism, missions, and what was already being called “The Christian Century.” They could not have imagined that in less than four years, World War I would begin, nor that thirty years later, the world would face World War II.

Similarly, as we gather at this Congress, we face unparalleled opportunity while standing at the brink of potential catastrophe. Let us unite in proclaiming Jesus Christ as God and Savior, persuading men and women to become His disciples in this fateful hour.

As this Congress convenes, four foundational presuppositions undergird our labors. These should guide and shape all that we do here.

First, this Congress stands in the tradition of evangelism throughout church history. From the time of the apostles, evangelism has been the lifeblood of the church. The fire of Christ spread through the Roman Empire and beyond—from Britain and France to India and the islands of the sea.

This Congress is the latest link in a long chain of evangelistic conferences, extending from the “great century of missionary advance” to today. The Student Volunteer Movement of the 19th century set as its goal “the evangelization of the world in this generation.” That zeal, grounded in the authority of Scripture and the conviction of man’s need for salvation, fueled unprecedented missionary efforts.

However, over time, movements have lost their zeal. Why? Evangelism always faces two dangers: external barriers and internal decline. External dangers like persecution or opposition often strengthen evangelistic resolve. The greater danger is internal—when the authority of Scripture is questioned, and the gospel’s central message is diluted or replaced with social, political, or organizational concerns.

Let us return to the theological convictions that characterized the great missionary movements of the past: the authority of Scripture, the reality of human lostness, the necessity of conversion, and the imperative of evangelism.

Second, this Congress convenes as one body, obeying one Lord, facing one world, with one task. While cultures, circumstances, and histories differ, our spiritual resources and mission are the same. We are one in Christ, united in proclaiming salvation through faith in Him alone.

Salvation is not found in traditions, human effort, or good works—it is found in Christ alone. Whatever our doctrinal differences or cultural backgrounds, we are one in the Spirit and declare with one voice, “Jesus alone saves.”

Our task is singular: to proclaim the message of salvation. Whether in wealth or poverty, among the educated or uneducated, in freedom or oppression, we are determined to proclaim Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit. Let us make sure that evangelization remains our united, shared priority at this Congress.

Third, this Congress seeks to reaffirm key biblical concepts essential to evangelism. These include the authority of Scripture, the lostness of humanity apart from Christ, salvation in Christ alone, and the necessity of evangelism. Our words and deeds must both reflect the gospel, but evangelism is much more than a “Christian presence.” Faith comes by hearing the Word of God.

Social action must accompany, but cannot replace, gospel proclamation. Evangelism is not merely influencing society for good or improving conditions—it is announcing the good news of Jesus Christ. It is the church’s vital mission, requiring the mobilization of every believer to bring the gospel to the ends of the earth.

Fourth, this Congress gathers to assess the unevangelized world and the church’s resources to reach it. Unreached populations can be categorized in two ways: superficially Christian, who identify as Christian but lack a personal relationship with Christ, and entirely unreached populations, with no access to the gospel.

Some of these populations can only be reached by missionaries who master other languages and cultures, dedicating their lives to bringing the gospel. A strategy based solely on “near-neighbor” evangelism would leave billions without any chance of knowing Christ. The unevangelized world consists of tens of millions who live in regions where the gospel has never been preached. This Congress should pray for those who work faithfully in these areas and commit to finding new ways to reach them.

At its first meeting, the Executive Planning Committee decided to name this gathering “The International Congress on World Evangelization,” emphasizing the church’s global responsibility. While many Christians diligently evangelize their own communities, this Congress calls us to see the bigger picture—God’s call for the whole church to bring the whole gospel to the whole world.

The Christians in Nigeria are not called only to evangelize Nigeria, nor are the Christians in Peru called only to evangelize Peru. God’s heartbeat is for the world. Christ’s commission is to make disciples of all nations and to preach the gospel to every creature.

As we meet in Lausanne, let us also remember our witness in this city. By our actions and conduct here, we either confirm or contradict the message we proclaim. May our hearts echo the words of Isaiah: “O earth, earth, earth, hear ye the word of the Lord!”

What do we hope will be accomplished at this Congress? We hope to frame a biblical declaration on evangelism, challenge the church to complete the task of world evangelization, clarify the relationship between evangelism and social responsibility, and foster a global evangelical fellowship.

Two key needs must guide us during and after this Congress. First, we must pray. Prayer is the foundation of all evangelism. It is the source of God’s power, and without it, our efforts will fail. Second, we must leave this Congress filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. Only a Spirit-filled church can finish the task of world evangelization.

God has gathered us at a time of great opportunity and unprecedented danger. The harvest is ripe, but harvest time is brief. Satan is preparing his fiercest attacks, but we follow the Son of God, who has already triumphed over sin, death, and the devil. The final victory is certain.

Dr. Martin Luther King once said, “Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.” We, too, have seen the glory of God and glimpsed the Promised Land. But down in the valleys of the world are millions who do not even know there is a mountain to climb or a Promised Land to enter.

We must go down into the valley after Lausanne and tell the multitudes about the blood-stained trail that leads to the Son of God. God has prepared a Promised Land where there is no night, no sin, no suffering, and no death. It is our task and privilege to proclaim this message to all people.

Why Lausanne? That the earth may hear His voice!

Author's Bio

Billy Graham

Dr. Graham, Montreat, North Carolina, USA, is an internationally-known evangelist.