
Devotions from GWF2019

lausanne-icon@2xLausanne Movement 07 Oct 2019

This year’s major Lausanne event, the 2019 Global Workplace Forum, called Christians around the world to move away from a mindset that puts faith and work in separate boxes.

But how are we to live out our Christian faith in our workplaces, especially if it happens to be a challenging context?

During the morning sessions of the gathering, we looked at the Book of Daniel for insight through the skillful teachings of Rosalee Velloso Ewell and Steve Osei-Mensah. Now it is our privilege to share these with you.

Succeeding at Work while Remaining Faithful (Daniel 1)
Steve Osei-Mensah

Explore the tension between success in the workplace and faithfulness to God through the example of Daniel’s 70-year career of civil service.

Getting the ‘Dream Job’ (Daniel 2)
Rosalee Velloso Ewell

Discipleship is a life-long journey requiring the integration of the whole life in order to honour God.

When Your Boss Throws You into the Furnace (Daniel 3)
Rosalee Velloso Ewell

How should we respond to bosses and colleagues when facing times of trial and opposition?

Being a Faithful Servant Rather than a Rebel Leader (Daniel 4-6)
Steve Osei-Mensah

Through days of obscurity and in a lion’s den, Daniel exemplified what it means to live a long life of faith and faithful service in the workplace. What can we learn from him?

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