
The Seoul Declaration on Diaspora Missiology

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Convening as missions leaders, mobilizers, educators, trainers, and kingdom workers in the diaspora at the Lausanne Diaspora Educators Consultation on November 11-14, 2009 in Seoul, Korea – in partnership with and an extension of the Lausanne Diaspora Strategy Consultation held in Manila, Philippines on May 4-8, 2009

We Acknowledge

  1. That the sovereign work of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in the gathering and scattering of peoples across the earth is a central part of God’s mission and redemptive purposes for the world.
  2. That the church, which is the body of Christ, is the principal means through which God is at work in different ways around the globe. We honor the uniqueness, dignity, and beauty in each person and culture, celebrating the
    collaboration of the church with the broader society.
  3. That “diaspora missiology” has emerged as a biblical and strategic field of missiology and is defined as: a missiological framework for understanding and participating in God’s redemptive mission among people living outside their place of origin.

We Affirm

  1. That our missional focus and ministry integrates and cooperates with the mission and vision of the Lausanne movement for world evangelization as published in The Lausanne Covenant and The Manila Manifesto.
  2. That although we draw from various disciplines, our understanding and practice of the mission of God must be informed by, integrated with, and conformed to biblical and theological foundations.

We Appeal

  1. To the whole people of God in local churches and church movements, mission agencies, the academy, and the marketplace to mobilize, train, deploy, support, work together with, and empower “diaspora kingdom workers” for the diaspora fields ripe for harvest.
  2. To church and mission leaders to recognize and respond to opportunities in world evangelization presented by the realities of the global diaspora.
  3. To missions leaders and educators to give strategic priority in the funding and training of personnel and to provide space for the development of “diaspora missiology” in training systems and curricula.
  4. To the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers into the harvest and raise up worldwide intercession for an unprecedented move of the Holy Spirit so that the Whole Church takes the Whole Gospel to the Whole World.

LCWE Diaspora Educators Consultation 2009
Torch Trinity Graduate School of Theology
Seoul, South Korea
November 11-14, 2009

Learn more about the Consultations on Diaspora Missions
