Alice Sunghyun Yu is the president and CEO of Torch Center for World Missions (TCWM) based in Seoul, South Korea. She has a bachelor’s degree in communications from Biola University and is currently pursuing a combined master’s and doctoral degree in business with a marketing specialization at Ewha Womans University.
At TCWM, Alice works to equip and cultivate Christian leaders to spread the gospel. She supports both the domestic and global Torch Korean Churches’ Network by instituting a reliable community platform with a vision of mobilizing Korean churches, pastors, leaders, and missionaries that stand united on the pillar of collaboration.
Most recently, Alice has been developing a new evangelical service-centred model to widen the scope of the Torch Global Korean Diaspora Mission and reach marginalized Korean diasporas from Central Asia, China, North Korea, and beyond. By launching a Torch Diaspora Learning Academy, one of many programs to come, Alice hopes to sow the seeds of a missional life and train diasporic youth and adults alike. Finally, Alice serves as the national director of the Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (TEDS) Korea DMin Program, through which she has established a partnership with TEDS and designed courses for prospective Korean DMin graduates.
Alice is married to Ji Wook with whom she has two adult children.