
Lausanne North Korea Consultation 2018

15 - 17 Nov 2018 Seoul, Korea

From 15-17 November 2018, about seventy delegates, 14 presenters, and 8 volunteer staff participated in the 4th Lausanne North Korea Consultation. ‘God’s good requirement—to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with our God’ was the theme, based on Micah 6:8. The consultation covered such topics as the history of Christianity in Korea, the Korean War, North and South Korean Christianity today. In addition, a road ahead was charted and conversations were begun on how God may look at North Korea from both justice and mercy perspectives.

A few highlights from the consultation are:
  1. Participants represented diverse countries, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, India, North and South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, the UK, and the US.
  2. The Lausanne Global Classroom staff will produce an online video based on footage of experts taken at the consultation. The content will be approximately 45 minutes, accompanied by a study guide to be used in small group, school, and church settings.  
  3. The Brentwood Baptist Church is hosting a forum focused on preparing the next generation for North Korean engagement. More information can be found at

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