
Lausanne Global Workplace Forum

25 - 29 Jun 2019 Manila, Philippines

Lausanne Global Workplace Forum

In 2019, the Lausanne Global Workplace Forum (GWF) will bring together a diverse range of influencers in order to mobilize the whole church—in every corner of the workplace—as bearers of the gospel.

GWF represents Lausanne’s most concerted effort to date to address the false ‘sacred-secular divide’ that has ‘permeated the Church’s thinking and action’, telling us that ‘religious activity belongs to God, whereas other activity does not’ (from Part II-A-3 of The Cape Town Commitment). At GWF, we will reclaim the biblical truth that all legitimate work is intrinsically valuable and integral to the missional work of God’s kingdom.

GWF will involve a diverse spectrum of participants from all regions of the world, across generations, and across all 35 issue networks. At least 50% of the participants will be from the workplace—the highest percentage of any major Lausanne gathering to date—with special representation of voices that have typically gone unheard, such as blue-collar workers and ‘no-collar’ workers (ie those working in the home or as volunteers). Participants will explore current research and resources to develop new regional, local, and issue-specific initiatives for how all God’s people might ‘live, think, work, and speak from a biblical worldview and with missional effectiveness’ (CTC).

The hope is that through the 2019 Global Workplace Forum, momentum will be built for a new missional model that will enable all believers to work together toward Lausanne’s fourth vision point, kingdom impact in every sphere of society. For this vision of radically transforming the whole world through the whole gospel can only become reality through the whole church.

This gathering is by invitation only. For questions or more information, please email

GWF Main Page

Date 1561420800
End Date 1561766400