These are very exciting days for Lausanne. The Lausanne Theology Working Group has just completed its consultation in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and recently the first meeting of the Resource Mobilization Working Group convened in Washington, DC. Also, a meeting of Lausanne younger leaders was held this month in South Africa.Additionally, Robyn Claydon convened a conference call for the Lausanne Senior Associates, which was greatly encouraging as we hear of the increased activity among our Senior Associates as it relates to the Lausanne Movement. We welcomed new Senior Associates Colin Harbinson (The Arts) and Becky Pippert (Evangelism Training) to the group.
A few days ago I was in Springfield, Missouri to meet with the new general superintendent of the Assemblies of God. I also met with several of their mission leaders and with the president of their seminary. It is wonderful to have the enthusiastic endorsement of a denomination that includes 58 million believers around the world.
Currently I am in Oxford, UK in preparation for a meeting here of the International Deputy Directors under te leadeship of Lindsay Brown. Concurrently, Ramez Atallah and our new CT2010 Programme Director Joshua Wathanga, are gathering a group of about 15 to 20 leaders from around the world to help with the continuing programme planning process for Cape Town.
During my time here in the UK, I will also be in London to meet with the leadership at the headquarters for the Salvation Army. Likewise, they are eager to be involved in the planning for the Congress and in the Congress itself. Again, these are very exciting days for Lausanne, and I am enthused at what the Lord has in store for us in the days and weeks ahead!