
Theology Talks from GWF2019

lausanne-icon@2xLausanne Movement 06 Jan 2020

What is the place of our everyday work and business in Christian theology? Can working in the marketplace be a spiritual calling, equally significant as a calling to ministry? How can we reframe our thinking with the help of theology so that we’re not holding back the transformation God would like to bring about through Christians in the workplace? We are happy to share five talks given at the 2019 Global Workplace Forum which look at these questions among others.

Workplace: Where Wall Street and the Word Collide

In this session, David Miller reflects on the late John Stott’s teaching of ‘balanced, biblical Christianity’ and challenges believers to bring their whole self to work.

Unleashing Love, Righteousness, and Justice at the Workplace

Andy Mills helps reframe our understanding of the ways that work is deeply spiritual and significant. When Christians engage in the workplace in these ways, God unleashes them in love, righteousness, and justice for real impact.

Is Your True Calling to Business?

Mats Tunehag and Jo Plummer speak on the transformative power of business in the kingdom of God. They show us that business takes us to where people work; brings about innovation and wealth resources, as well as genuine and influential relationships for communities; creates jobs that transform lives; and tackles injustice.

 Creating a Gospel Ecosystem within Your Industry

Wendy Simpson inspires those in the workplace to ‘upgrade our collaboration skills’ and develop ecosystems for our industries. Gospel ecosystems focus on interconnectedness rather than division or competition.

Developing Church Workplace Synergy

In this theologically rich session, Clint Le Bruyns reminds us that the connection between faith and work is not just for the private, micro-dimension of individuals in the workplace, but also for the public, macro world of work. ‘The gospel does not just have power for our individual and private lives and companies and organizations, but power in the everyday spheres of life.’