
Panels from GWF2019

lausanne-icon@2xLausanne Movement 22 Oct 2019

How are Christians to live out their faith in the workplace through different levels of responsibility? How can faith be helpful in navigating workplace complexities? Can Christians working in different companies and sectors coordinate to form a layer of influence for greater impact? We are happy to share the lively panel discussions from this year’s major Lausanne event, the 2019 Global Workplace Forum, which look at these questions among others.

How CEOs Live Out Their Faith in the Workplace

In this panel discussion, Bob Doll asks four CEOs about the impact of their faith in their corporate sectors. Bob speaks with Barry Rowan, Delphine, Johanna Zeilstra and Henry Kaestner.

A Fully Activated Workplace

What does it look like for our faith to be alive and growing in the workplace? Willy Kotiuga moderates a panel discussion with diverse leaders Jeff Haanen, Gladys Mwiti, and Ruslan Zagidulin, whose involvement with the working class, mental health, and migrants concretely demonstrate how we can love the people and communities we work with.

Living Faith at Work for a Lifetime

Timo Plutschinski interviews Adel Azmi, Edna Mercado Ortiz, and Stephen Mbogo about how their faith has enabled them to navigate the complexities of the workplace. Through both failures and successes, their stories speak about real faith that makes real impact on their lives and the lives of those around them.

Breaking the Cycles of Poverty in Manila

In Metro Manila, the 8th largest city in the world, 21% of Filipinos live under the poverty line. In this panel discussion, David Lim speaks with Eduardo Jimenez, Chonabelle Domingo, and Paul Rollet about how the evangelical church is working in different sectors of society to seek citywide transformation.