In Appreciation to African Leaders for Hosting the Lausanne Congress
Just two years ago we were together in beautiful Cape Town, South Africa for The Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization – 4200 brothers and sisters in Christ, representing 198 countries. I’m looking forward to being back in Africa this month, October, and seeing many of you during my visit to Kenya (15-18), South Africa (19-22), Nigeria (22-25), and Ghana (25).
Cape Town 2010 is a highlight of my own personal ministry journey. For many of us, Cape Town 2010 was a life-changing experience. We walked away from Cape Town in awe of God’s presence, delighted by our interaction with one another, sobered by the challenges, and committed to the task before us. Men and women with the steely determination of lives wholly sold out to Christ, as they faced returning to difficult circumstances and seemingly insurmountable political, social and financial obstacles.
We rejoice in the amazing growth of the Church in Africa, and we celebrate Cape Town 2010, which was hosted by our African sisters and brothers. You can relive portions of the Congress by watching videos of the sessions and looking at photos of the gathering.
Nearly every day I receive reports of gatherings, projects and partnerships that were birthed at Cape Town 2010 or spurred on by interaction among leaders who met at the Congress. I am eager to hear what God has been doing in your life and work since Cape Town 2010. Please send me an email at to let me know and also please indicate whether or not I can share your story with others.
Lausanne Movement African Leaders
I’m very encouraged by the leadership Africa is providing for The Lausanne Movement. Our Honorary Chairman is Michael Cassidy (South Africa), a senior statesman and founder of African Enterprise. We rejoiced with Michael in August of this year as he celebrated the 50th anniversary of ministry through African Enterprise. I thank God for Michael – his tender heart toward God, his strong and faithful leadership and his personal mentoring and encouragement.
Our three Lausanne International Deputy Directors (IDDs) in Africa – Nana Yaw Offei Awuku (Ghana) for English, Spanish and Portuguese-speaking Africa, Emmanuel Ndikumana (Burundi) for Francophone Africa, Andrea Zaki for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and their Regional Communications Managers, Benkoku Avle (EPSA), Charles Haringanji (Francophone) and Hala (MENA) are doing a wonderful job serving the Movement.
We are again grateful to God for Archbishop Henry Orombi, Gideon Para-Mallam, the Africa Host Committee, Country Chairs and Committees and all African leaders who served diligently with CT2010 and continue to do so in various ways with Lausanne now. Thank you for your work and leadership.
Africa is strongly represented on our leadership teams, including:
Lausanne Board of Directors
- Ramez Atallah, Bible Society of Egypt
- Esme Bowers, African Enterprise (South Africa)
- Daniel Bourdanné, International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (Chad)
- Femi Adeleye, International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (Nigeria)
Senior Associates
- John Azumah, Senior Associate for Islam (Ghana)
- Bosela Eale, Senior Associate for Leadership Development (Burundi)

Calisto Odede, Senior Pastor at Nairobi Pentecostal Church, who gave a powerful exposition of the Bible at Cape Town 2010, will be one of the main speakers at Urbana 12 this December.
It’s a privilege to work with these men and women and to see the passion they have for spreading the Word of God throughout all of Africa and around the world.
The Cape Town Commitment
The Cape Town Commitment (CTC, has now been translated into over 20 languages. Over the next five years, African leaders have also committed to translating the CTC into 20 major dialects spoken by 80% of people across Africa.
Africa is also leading the way in encouraging leaders to read and study the Commitment. Nana Yaw says the National Congress on Evangelization, held recently in Ghana, brought leaders together to discuss the Commitment and how it can be used in Africa. An encouraging report about the gathering is available here:
You can join the Conversation on the issues highlighted in the Commitment by participating in The Lausanne Global Conversation,
Let me close by saying that I thank God for each of you and I thank God for how he is using you to share the gospel in Africa and in places around the world. I pray that you are staying connected to The Lausanne Movement and other leaders in your area. If you are not already a subscriber I encourage you to sign-up for the monthly Lausanne Connecting Point ENewsletter to stay current with the Movement.
God’s best to you and your family.