Update: By God’s grace we met and exceeded the $541,620 matching opportunity! (Learn more)
2015 has been a year of many strategic initiatives for the Lausanne Movement.
Last month in Hong Kong, we held an historic gathering of 900 Chinese leaders for the launch of the Mission China 2030 vision. The vision of Mission China 2030 is to see 20,000 missionaries sent out from China by the year 2030, one for every missionary received by China in the past 200 years.
Lausanne has also welcomed David Platt as our new Theology Working Group Chair and 17 new Senior Associates from around the world. The 30+ global networks led by the Senior Associates are continuing to grow in impact in critical areas of need. The next urgent issue we will be tackling is sexual integrity/human sexuality.
We’re continuing to plan for the third Lausanne Younger Leaders Gathering (YLG) to be held in Jakarta in 2016. We’re expecting over 1,000 younger leaders from at least 161 countries, and the caliber of participants is excellent. Here are a few snapshots of the participants:
- A young man connecting 100 churches in Buenos Aires to work together in global mission
- A female Bible expositor from Mexico
- A former supermodel who is now an apologist with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries
- A leader from Iran doing diaspora ministry in Indonesia
- A Yemeni tentmaker in Malaysia
- An award-winning film producer from the United States
This once-a-generation gathering will be followed by the Younger Leaders Generation (YLGen) initiative, a ten-year commitment to mentor, equip, and walk alongside of the participants and other younger leaders of their generation.
A gift that God has graciously provided us to strategically advance initiatives like the ones above is a year-end matching grant. A generous friend of Lausanne has offered to match $541,620 USD of the gifts or pledges made by 31 December. Would you pray about whether the Lord would have you join in on this strategic opportunity?
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Pledges need to be made by 31 December, and gifts given no later than the first quarter of 2016.
Year after year, God has been so faithful to provide these matching gift opportunities for the Lausanne Movement. Please join me in lifting up a prayer of thanks and blessing for our generous friend!