Let the Church Declare and Display Christ Together


Today's picks

YLG 4: A Gathering for the Next Generation of Global Leaders

Lausanne Younger Leaders Gathering in 2027 (YLG 4) will bring 1,200 emerging Christian leaders from around the world together in Brazil from 16-22 March 2027. This gathering is a launchpad to equip, connect, and commission younger leaders for long-term impact in global mission. Participants will engage in biblical teaching, mentorship, and collaboration, forming lifelong relationships and being equipped to advance the gospel in every sector of society.

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God on the Move

Witness the diverse expressions of God's work through the global church, showcasing the many ways in which his transformative power is seen across the world.


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How could the global Church respond to the needs of vulnerable children in a way that leads to lasting gospel impact? Children are among the most vulnerable members of society, especially those facing poverty, exploitation, and displacement. In this episode, Dr. Susan Greener—an expert in global human development—shares insights…
In this episode of the Lausanne Movement Podcast, Jason Watson sits with Ruslan Zagidulin, a Lausanne Regional Director for Eurasia, to explore the region's dynamic and complex spiritual landscape. From his personal story of faith—growing up in an interethnic Soviet family—to the unique challenges and opportunities for the church…

Latest episodes

In this episode of the God on the Move podcast, Josephine Munyeli, Director of Administration and Finances at the PEACE Plan Rwanda, shares her harrowing and inspiring personal story as a survivor of the 1994 Rwandan genocide. She recounts her experiences, the challenges of raising her children as a…
 The God on the Move podcast is back with regular episodes, sharing inspiring God stories from the global church, with the global church. During our break, we've been working on expanding God on the Move to a whole new content category dedicated to sharing testimonies of God's work across the…

“The State of the Great Commission brings together the best global data and key strategic thinkers to understand where the greatest gaps and opportunities are for the Great Commission’s fulfillment.”

Matthew Niermann, Director — State of the Great Commission Report

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