A Vision for Accelerating Global Mission

The fourfold vision of the Lausanne Movement captures the heartbeat of the global mission movement today. Take time to dwell with each vision point and recalibrate your heart for the nations in this devotional plan series, A Vision for Accelerating Global Mission.

6 Days

Christlike Leaders for Every Church and Sector

Embark on a transformative journey with this 6-day devotional plan. Explore the qualities of Christlike leaders impacting churches and society. Dive into themes of love, Spirit-led guidance, and the battle…

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6 Days

Discipleship: God’s Plan for Reaching the World

Many churches today are like spiritual orphanages, filled with people who accepted the gospel but never grew in maturity because no one has discipled them. This 6-day devotional plan will…

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5 Days

The Gospel for Every Person

The gospel is for every person because Jesus is for every person. May this five-day devotional plan based on the first vision statement of the Lausanne Movement, 'the gospel for…

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