
Statement on Recent Earthquakes and Tsunamis in Japan

Lindsay Brown 12 Mar 2011

The Lausanne Movement expresses its profound sadness over the recent earthquakes and tsunamis in and around Japan.  We grieve at the loss of life and the unimaginable devastation being experienced by the Japanese people.  Our prayers, and the prayers of the Lausanne family, are with our brothers and sisters in Japan.  We pray for strength for them as they struggle to comprehend these enormous losses in light of the hope we have as believers in Christ.  We stand with them in their hope for rebuilding and the renewal of their great nation and encourage Christians around the world to do all they can to offer comfort, encouragement and tangible support to our friends in Japan.

Author's Bio

Lindsay Brown

Lindsay Brown has served since 2008 as Global Associate Director for Regions (formerly called International Director) of the Lausanne Movement, coordinating the 12 Regional Directors. He has an MA in Modern History from Oxford University and a DD from the Graduate School of Theology in Jamaica, and studied theology in Vaux sur Seine Free Faculty of Theology in Paris under Henri Blocher. He is the author of Shining like Stars: the Power of the Gospel in the World’s Universities (IVP).