The Lausanne Movement is deeply saddened by the recent passing of one of Francophone Africa’s most outstanding leaders. Daniel Bourdannne passed away in the UK on September 6 after a period of illness. A native of Chad in central Africa, he served all the countries of French-speaking Africa for many years as the Regional Secretary for the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES), from his adopted home country of Cote d’Ivoire. He later rose to become the General Secretary of the IFES succeeding Lindsay Brown in 2007.
Daniel Bourdanné also served the Lausanne Movement in many capacities, first as International Deputy Director (IDD) for French-speaking Africa leading up to the Third Lausanne Congress in Cape Town, South Africa, in 2010. In this capacity he directed and coordinated the mission of the Lausanne Movement in 21 Francophone African countries. After he stepped down from that position, he was appointed to the Lausanne Movement Board.
Daniel was truly an inspirational leader. His wise and gentle style of leading was an inspiration and encouragement not only to many emerging leaders in Africa, but also around the world. He was an effective Bible teacher, scientist, organizational development coach, and author of six books. As an African leader, he has left an outstanding legacy of Christian leadership which has been shared with the global church. As he is gone on to his heavenly reward his testimony lives on.
Daniel was truly an inspirational leader. His wise and gentle style of leading was an inspiration and encouragement not only to many emerging leaders in Africa, but also around the world
As the Lausanne Movement pays tribute to his life and witness, we mourn his loss with his wife, Halymah Youssoufou-Bourdanné, a medical doctor, and their four children. May he rest in God’s peace and may the light of Christ continue to shine upon him and through him to others.