
Debriefing Cape Town 2010: Acts of Incarnation

Jon Hirst 20 Dec 2010

During the Christmas season we naturally reflect on the idea of incarnation. After all, the baby Jesus was the incarnation of God of the Universe . . . captured in the body of a little boy in a small town in the Middle East.

It is so spectacular that Jesus would make Himself known to us personally, experience our lives and then ultimately die on the cross for our sins. That 33 year period of our world is like no other. God was among us . . . He loved us . . . and in the end He sacrificed Himself for us.

But our connection with Jesus does not end with the fact that He walked the same earth that we did. In fact, those years were simply a launching pad for something much bigger.

Jesus was modeling how we should live, act, prioritize and treat others. Jesus’s call to take up the cross and follow Him was a call to become more and more like Him.

So as we debrief Cape Town 2010 (the congress, the GlobaLink events and the interaction online), we need to stop and ask the question,

“With so many believers gathered together talking, interacting, praying, laughing, thinking. . . where did you see Jesus in the lives of others?” 

  • Did someone show you a special act of kindness?
  • Did another person speak words of truth to you that seemed to come straight from God?
  • Did a stranger pray with you?
  • Were you challenged in love to look at the world differently?

If we miss the ways that Jesus showed up and was represented in the lives of those around us, we have missed one of the great blessings of the congress. Take some time to go through your memories of those days and identify 1-2 key moments when you saw Jesus in the lives of the believers around you.

Author's Bio

Jon Hirst

Cape Town 2010 Blogger Network Coordinator