A guest blog post by Mary DeMuth (Cape Town 2010 participant and Blogger Network member)
I’m stunned by the incarnation. Jesus leaving the splendor of heaven to wrap his majesty in skin. He left what was beautiful and familiar in order to sacrifice and bring God the utmost glory.
I see parallels in the lessons I learned at Cape Town. I heard speakers who forsook comfort for the sake of bringing the gospel to others. I shook hands (and hugged) persecuted believers who consider the next country (the New Heavens and the New Earth) as worthy reasons to sacrifice. I met men and women who risked their lives by loving the unlovely, rescue the perishing, and sharing the good news.
Jesus’ incarnation enables them to live radically like that. Since He trod this painful earth, He can trod alongside those who suffer. Since he had His reputation marred, He can understand. Since He was betrayed, despised, rejected, He can offer comfort to those who suffer the same.
Jesus suffered birth. He suffered life. He suffered death. All for the joy set before Him.
The people I met at Cape Town, particularly around my table group, mirrored Him to me, made me want to be more like that Jesus. May this next year be the year you follow His path too, in the footsteps of His beautiful feet.
Mary DeMuth is a novelist, freelance writer, speaker and book mentor who loves to help folks turn trials to triumph. You can find her here: http://www.marydemuth.com, http://www.twitter.com/marydemuth, http://www.facebook.com/authormarydemuth