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Content Library
The Church in a Post-COVID World (Part 2)
The Church in a Post-COVID World (Part 1)
Freedom and Justice: An Infographic
Health for All Nations: An Infographic
Church Planting: An Infographic
Disability in Mission: The Church’s Hidden Treasure
African Accessories, Inc. and the Story-Goal Memo: Business, narrative, and oral communication
Children and the Global Workforce
Arts in the Workplace
Health in Mission and the Workplace
‘A Workplace For Mephi’: Disability Concerns Issue Network
Engaging with Media at the Workplace for Transforming Society
Ministry Partnerships & Networks: Why Collaboration is Critical to the Movement
Technology in the Workplace
Creation Care and the Workplace
International Student Ministry and the Workplace
Lausanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism: Global Workplace Forum Report
Business as Mission and the Global Workplace
Research and Work
Partnering for the Gospel: Creating Environments in Which Men and Women Can Thrive
Business as Mission: An Infographic
Persons with Disabilities: An Infographic
Orality: An Infographic
Jewish Evangelism: An Infographic
Integral Mission: An Infographic
Buddhism: An Infographic
Take Care of Yourself
Children-at-Risk: An Infographic
Understanding North Korea: The First Step Towards Sharing the Gospel There
Challenges of Member Care from an Agency’s Perspective
Christian Businesses and Engaging with the North Korean Economy
Community: A Strategy for Evangelizing North Korea
Islam: An Infographic
Hope for Autism and Development Disabilities in the DPRK
In Otto’s memory: Developing Peaceful Tourism in North Korea
Living the Presence
The Case for Engaging North Korea
Contested South Korean Identities of Reunification and Christian Paradigms of Reconciliation
The Legacy of Mary Scranton
A Relational Approach to Peacebuilding in the Korean Peninsula
Finding Unity: Christian Reflections on Overcoming the Inter-Korean Division
North Korea Mission in Historical Perspective
Identity and Social Reconciliation in a Postconflict Korea: What Role for the Church?
Missions from Korea 2018: Mission Education
Lessons of German Unification for Korea
In Search of a Theology of Reconciliation in the Korean Peninsula
A Living Witness: Finding Pathways to Hope and Healing in North Korea (The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, DPRK)
The Challenge Before Us
“Until He Comes”
Cities: An Infographic
Creation Care: An Infographic
Fear Not
Sacrifice and Commitment
The Uniqueness of Christ
What Does the Gospel Have to Say to Disabled Persons?
Hinduism: An Infographic
The Impact of Modernization
The Christian and Sin
Good News For the Poor
Evangelism in Challenging Settings: The Church That Loves
Living the Christian Life: Christian Community and World Evangelization
Living Holy
The Work of the Holy Spirit in Conviction and Conversion
A Theology of the Laity
Looking Ahead
Proclaim Christ Until He Comes
A Message to the Congress
Wealth Creation and Justice
Wealth Creators’ Contribution to Holistic Transformation
Prosperity Theology and the Gospel: Good News or Bad News for the Poor?
Wealth Creation and the Stewardship of Creation
Wealth Creation: Biblical Views and Perspectives
Wealth Creation Within Global Cultural Perspectives
Role of the Church in Wealth Creation
Wealth Creation and the Poor
Wealth Creation Manifesto
Embracing and Engaging Children at Risk (an excerpt)
The Reformation: What You Need to Know and Why
Creation Care and the Gospel: Reconsidering the Mission of the Church
10 Priorities for Christian Engagement with Muslims (an excerpt)
The Grace of Giving: Money and the Gospel
The Glory of the Cross: The great crescendo of the gospel
Peace to the Nations (Zechariah 9:10): Ethnicity in the Mission of God
White Paper: Health for All Nations
Giving for a Return in the Prosperity Gospel and the New Testament
Can We Offer a Better Theology? Banking on the Kingdom
A Biblical Ethical Assessment of Prosperity Teaching and the Blessing Movement
Prosperity Theology: A (Largely) Sociological Assessment
Ethical Dimensions – Part 2: Holiness and False Idols
Prosperity and Poverty in the Bible: Search for Balance
The Protestant Work Ethic, Prosperity Theology and Cape Town’s Response
Visiting the Trends of Lausanne
The New Apostolic Reformation and the Theology of Prosperity: The “Kingdom of God” as a Hermeneutical Key.
The Prosperity Gospel: A Critique of the Way the Bible is Used
How is Prosperity Theology Penetrating the Theology and Practice of Mainline Churches?
The Wealth of the Poor: Women and the Savings Movement in Africa
Gospel and Cultures in the Lausanne Movement
Lausanne and Global Evangelicalism: Theological Distinctives and Missiological Impact
John Stott and the Lausanne Movement: A Formative Influence
The Holy Spirit and the Gospel
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