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Lausanne Movement Builds Regional Leadership Team

Naomi Frizzell 09 Mar 2012
World Map

12 International Deputy Directors Sharpen Regional Focus On The Gospel

BOSTON, 9 March 2012 – The appointment of Rev. Jean-Paul Rempp, a church planter from Lyon, France, to serve as Lausanne International Deputy Director for Europe, has completed the regional leadership transition within The Lausanne Movement.  This transition began after The Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization: Cape Town 2010.  Rempp joins a team of 11 other Lausanne International Deputy Directors (IDDs) who bring to the Movement regional leadership, vision, and networking with regard to mission and world evangelization.  IDDs are volunteers and have a primary ministry alongside of their Lausanne responsibilities.

Lindsay Brown, Lausanne International Director, said, “We believe that Jean-Paul will bring evangelistic fervor, and missiological and theological vigor to his role.  His contributions will be much appreciated by all in Lausanne and especially by the French-speaking world.”  Rempp called it a privilege and joy to be a part of Lausanne adding that, “From the beginning Lausanne has involved evangelists and scholars.  This combination of theology and praxis has allowed Lausanne to produce the most influential documents in contemporary evangelical Protestantism – The Lausanne Covenant, The Manila Manifesto, and The Cape Town Commitment.”

The Lausanne IDD team includes seminary presidents, pastors of churches, and leaders of mission organizations.  Doug Birdsall, Lausanne Executive Chair, calls the IDD team “energetic, creative, and passionate about the gospel” and says they bring “broad denominational, ethnic and cultural background, and great depth to the Movement.”  Brown emphasizes that the IDDs, “have a pivotal role in representing Lausanne regionally and also in listening to the concerns, aspirations, and passions of evangelicals in each part of the world.”  Over the next three years, each IDD will convene regional leadership gatherings and help host consultations on the Calls to Action in The Cape Town Commitment.  The Lausanne IDD Team and their regions include:

Lausanne established the IDD positions and structure at the 2004 Forum for World Evangelization (Thailand) to help the Movement gain input and wisdom from leaders around the world.  The IDDs meet regularly through teleconferences and annually for a face to face week of planning. 


Lausanne is a global movement that mobilizes evangelical leaders to collaborate for world evangelization.  It grew out of the 1974 International Congress on World Evangelization in Lausanne, Switzerland, convened by Rev. Billy Graham and Bishop Jack Dain.  The Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization (October 2010) brought together more than 4,000 Christian leaders, representing 198 countries.  The resulting Cape Town Commitment serves as the blueprint for the Movement’s priorities.  To learn more go to

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For interviews or more information contact Naomi Frizzell, Lausanne Movement Chief Communications Officer, at or +1.904.262.5202. 

Author's Bio

Naomi Frizzell

Member, Communications Working Group

Naomi Frizzell formerly served as the Lausanne Movement's Chief Communications Officer. She now serves as the CEO / executive director of Audio Scripture Ministries, which helps connect people to God’s Word in their own heart language. She is an active member of the Lausanne Communications Working Group.