1. What is the purpose of the 2019 Lausanne Global Workplace Forum (GWF)?
GWF will bring together a diverse range of influencers in order to mobilize the whole church—in every corner of the global workplace—as bearers of the gospel. Read the full GWF case statement.
2. When and where will GWF take place?
GWF will take place in Manila, Philippines, from 25-29 June 2019.
3. Who will participate in GWF?
An important feature of this invitation-only forum was the rigorous, prayerful, and open nomination and selection process. We wanted to ensure the right influencers could come together from all regions of the world, across generations, and across all 35 issue networks.
850 leaders from 109 countries were chosen as participants, with the majority as participants in Manila and the remaining contingent joining the forum virtually.At least half the participants are from secular workplaces (not those who receive their income from a church or ministry organization), at least 30% are women, and at least 30% are younger leaders (ages 40 and below).
The participant nomination process is now closed. However, you can still learn more about the full participant criteria and see examples of participants’ possible spheres of work.
4. Which languages will be supported at GWF?
The official language for GWF is English, with limited support also available in Spanish and French. These languages were determined by the needs of the participants ultimately selected for the gathering.
5. How can I follow along with GWF if I am not a participant?
Subscribe to our email updates or follow us on Facebook to receive updates during and after the gathering, and to be notified when GWF plenary sessions and other resources are made available. As with all Lausanne content, GWF resources will be available free of charge.
1. How were participants nominated for GWF?
Through an open nomination process, anyone was welcome to nominate qualified participants for GWF.
2. How can I participate in GWF?
The participant nomination process is now closed. As with all major Lausanne gatherings, GWF is an invitation-only gathering and participants had to be nominated by a deadline in order to be considered by the GWF Selection Committee. However, you can still follow along with the gathering.
3. What type of person makes an ideal nominator?
Every participant for the Global Workplace Forum was nominated by a third party. Lausanne gatherings are not structured in a way that people can apply or nominate themselves. As a highly relational network of leaders, we depend heavily on recommendations from leaders connected with the Lausanne Movement around the world. As such, the most helpful nominations came from one of the thousands of individuals who have historically been involved in the Lausanne Movement or is in leadership in Lausanne in some way.
See the full nomination criteria.
4. When was the nomination deadline?
The nomination process was open until 30 April 2018.