
Leaders and Future Meetings

Lausanne Communications Team 28 Jul 2011

Much is happening around the world post-Cape Town 2010.  Here are just a few things:

Cape Town Commitment:  As churches, missions and schools continue to study and embrace the Commitment, we are working to ensure that for every one of the world evangelization commitments articulated in the document we have a Global Ambassador and a Resource Partner Organization that will serve as a resource to the global church.   Please take time to read the Commitment and it’s summary and begin to determine how you can personally take the Commitment forward.

“Davos-like” Lausanne Global Leadership Forum:  Beginning with June 2013, and every two years following, we will convene 350-500 leaders in Lausanne, Switzerland to track our progress with respect to world evangelization and The Cape Town Commitment.  The participants will represent the world’s leading pastors, influential mission leaders, the best minds from our seminaries and universities, as well as Kingdom-minded leaders from business, government, medicine and the media.  This “peer to peer” gathering will be patterned after the Davos World Economic Forum.  It will provide an environment which is conducive to prayer, reflection and creativity, and to the establishment of global friendships which will strengthen the bonds of unity within the church around the globe.

Global Executive Leadership Forum (GELF):  Scores of business leaders who met together during the Congress expressed a desire to have an on-going community or forum among like-minded people globally who share a commitment to the vision and values of The Lausanne Movement.  I am pleased to tell you that this group is developing. We anticipate that 100 participants in the GELF group will be part of the “Davos-like” gathering next year.

Regional Lausanne Groups: Lausanne has chosen to work around the world on a regional basis through our International Deputy Directors and on a functional basis through our various Working Groups.  Since the Congress, we have learned of a number of national groups that have formed to consider the implications of the Congress and the implementation of The Cape Town Commitment in their country.  If you are leading such a group at a national level, please be in touch with us at so that we will be aware of one another’s activity.  Thank you.

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