
YLG Participant Application

Please complete the application form by the deadline communicated to you. The application process is still open, but will be closed once the selection committee has completed its work. For priority consideration, please complete the application form without delay.


Dear Applicant,

We are excited to receive your application to be a participant at the Lausanne Younger Leaders Gathering in 2016.

There is a rigorous selection process to determine the actual participants for this gathering. Thousands of applications will be received for a limited number of available spots.

Therefore, in your application, please include all essential details the selection committee should know in order to make their decision. The committee will not be interviewing you in person and will not have time to do additional research on you or your achievements. It is imperative that you answer the questions as fully as possible to assist the committee to adjudicate all participants fairly.

Please note that filling out an application DOES NOT guarantee your selection as a participant.

You will also be asked to provide two referrers who can provide a reference on your behalf regarding your ministry and leadership.

We thank you in advance for your application. Please note that it may be several months before you will be advised of the outcome of your application. In the meantime, we will be praying for you and trust you will pray for those reviewing the applications.

Please contact with any questions or technical difficulties with the application.

Younger Leaders Planning Team
Younger Leaders Gathering
Lausanne Movement

    Participant Application

    Gender: MaleFemale

    Date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy):

    Country of residence:

    Country of citizenship:

    Comfort with English:

    Primary Language of Preference:

    I affirm the Lausanne Covenant. Yes

    Relationship with Christ

    Past and Present Ministry

    You may optionally provide a one-page resume / C.V. for the selection committee to review as part of your application.

    Future Ministry


    Please identify two individuals who can provide a reference for you regarding your ministry, achievements, and potential for leadership.

    Referrer 1

    Referrer 2