We offer print, DVD, and online resources for 3-10+ sessions. Teaching and discussion materials are included. Topics include giving, servant leadership, why Jesus died, and critical issues facing the world.
We have suggested some session lengths below; however, please use the materials freely to fit your context.
Three sessions
Four sessions
Six sessions
Ten sessions
Flexible sessions
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Three Sessions
Giving for everyone
How do we decide what to give? What principles should govern the way we give? When is it right to raise or to reduce our giving? In this booklet, John Stott gives ten principles of Christian giving based on Apostle Paul’s teaching in 2 Corinthians 8-9.
Suggested sessions
- Session 1: Principles 1-3
- Session 2: Principles 4-5
- Session 3: Principles 6-10
How to be a servant leader
Are we willing to count the cost of leading? For elders, small group leaders, and leaders of church ministry. Discussion questions included.
Suggested sessions
- Session 1: Being willing to die and longing for people to grow
- Session 2: Biblical stress and preserving our joy
- Session 3: Gaining strength from God to minister to people
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Four Sessions
Business opportunities for young entrepreneurs
For men and women in business who want to make a difference. Discuss good practice and why honesty works. Also explore how Christians can open markets in cultures of corruption.
Suggested sessions
- Session 1: Good practice works best
- Session 2: Why dishonest practice is bad for business
- Session 3: What could bring about change?
- Session 4: Where do we go from here?
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Six Sessions
Explore Christ’s final 24 hours on earth in a new way
A closer look at the intrigue and betrayal around Jesus as he hosts the Last Supper. In Gethsemane we see his human suffering and costly love. Then an absurd, illegal court convened in the middle of the night. Questions and exercises for study and reflection are included. Also suitable for those who are not yet Christian.
Suggested sessions
- Session 1: The Last Supper
- Session 2: The Garden of Gethsemane
- Session 3: Jesus on trial
- Session 4: The just for the unjust; justification and sacrifice
- Session 5: Our wonderful redemption
- Session 6: The glory of the cross
How to handle money
What can we learn from the Apostle Paul about how to handle donated money? This course is especially for those managing church or charity finances. Study and reflection questions included.
Suggested sessions
- Session 1: Financial support for the poor is integral to mission
- Session 2: Financial administration is a stewardship of grace and obedience
- Session 3: Financial appeals require advance planning
- Session 4: Financial temptations call for ‘safety in numbers’
- Session 5: Financial accountability demands transparency before God and man
- Session 6: Financial trustworthiness brings honour to Christ
Studying Ephesians with the Global Church
Six gifted Bible expositors, each from a different continent, help us to read Ephesians through their eyes. Each session lasts one hour, which includes watching a DVD video of the related Bible exposition from the Cape Town 2010 Lausanne Congress and engaging in expository Bible study. The accompanying booklet includes the full text of Ephesians and individual and group questions, as well as a leader’s guide. This is a unique study for a local church to gain perceptive insights from the church around the world.
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Ten Sessions
The Lausanne Covenant
This Covenant, agreed upon in 1974, is widely regarded as one of the defining church documents of the 20th century. Why did it make such an impact? The Covenant continues to bring together diverse evangelicals from around the world to work together in mission. Includes study questions by John Stott.
Suggested sessions: one study section per session
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Flexible Sessions
Critical issues facing the world
We commend a study of The Cape Town Commitment, which covers over 30 issues facing the world and church today, including creation care, reconciliation, partnership between men and women, diaspora, and more.
There are four types of resources for The Cape Town Commitment:
- A 12-session DVD and course handbook by Sara Singleton and Matt Ristuccia
- A study edition for personal or group use (suggested 16-20 sessions) by Rose Dowsett
- Booklet with full text of the Commitment and brief reflection questions (suggested 10 sessions)
- Free download of a 12-session women’s inductive study guide
A deeper look at critical issues facing the world
Based on presentations made at the Third Lausanne Congress in 2010, Christ our Reconciler pulls together substance from some of the finest evangelical thinkers from around the world. It includes topics such as why we need a high view of truth, the Christian in the workplace, the gospel and other faiths, emerging technologies, the prosperity gospel, reconciliation, a new global equilibrium, urban evangelism, and more.
Articles on analysis and insight for global mission
The Lausanne Global Analysis (LGA) is a bi-monthly, online publication covering strategic analysis, information, and insight for global mission. Articles have included topics such as radical Islam, Western Buddhism, arts in mission, social justice, and more.
Study questions will soon be available for selected LGA articles to help your group engage with the substantive issues addressed. We suggest subscribing to the LGA email alerts to be notified as each new LGA issue is published.
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