Over the past 40 years, Lausanne influencers and networks have produced many rich resources related to global mission. We would like to highlight some that may be useful for local churches and leaders.
This section will continue to be expanded as new resources for local churches become available. Subscribe to the Global Mission Resource Newsletter to learn about additional resources.
Global Mission Sunday
Global Mission Sunday is a way to connect your local church with God’s global mission. (Learn more about the launch of Global Mission Sunday in November 2014.)
Host a Global Mission Sunday at any time and introduce your congregation to today’s missional challenges and opportunities. We’ve prepared an online toolkit with resources and ideas for Sunday worship services or small groups.
Sign up for immediate access to the free online toolkit.
Small Group Resources
We offer print, DVD, and online resources for 3-10+ sessions. Teaching and discussion materials are included. Topics include giving, servant leadership, why Jesus died, and critical issues facing the world.
Three sessions Four sessions Six sessions Ten sessions Flexible sessions