
Week 3, Day 19: Global Day of Prayer

The Lausanne Movement 18 May 2013

Also available in: Español | français


Today is the Global Day of Prayer (GDOP,  We encourage you to join in local expressions of the GDOP, whether in your church, city, or nation. 

We pray that the video below will stir up your heart for this day set apart for global prayer.  Join in praying, “May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations” Psalm 67:1-2.

Prayercast SHINE Video



This blog is a part of the Lausanne Global Prayer Focus. We invite you to journey with The Lausanne Movement in prayer throughout the month of May. This journey will be a personal one, and a collective one. It will be focused on the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, his good news for all people.

In week 3, we are focusing on A World Apart from the Gospel. pdfDownload a prayer guide for the week, or visit to access the new content daily. You may also enter your email on this page to be sent a weekly email reminder with the new prayer content each week of May. Be sure to select “Prayer” as a Topic Interest.