
“How Shall We Then Live…”

03 Jan 2011

There were few years as significant for the cause of Global Evangelization than 2010. The events in Tokyo, Edinburgh, Cape Town and Boston served to engage many young believers in the cause for the first time and provide fresh inspiration to countless believers who have been involved in evangelism for many years.

So as we celebrate the new relationships, ideas, initiatives and fervour that came out of 2010, we must ask ourselves what that will mean for 2011! We have talked about on this blog many times. If you do not prepare and debrief a significant event like those of 2010, the lessons and next steps can easily be lost.

For the past two months we have been debriefing Cape Town 2010 on this blog. Take some time to read those debriefing posts and consider what you learned about Global Evangelization in 2010.

But don’t stop there!

Now ask yourself, “How does God want me to respond to what I have seen, heard, read, discussed and internalized?”

The answer to that question is key to your plans for 2011. Shame on us if we do not ask this question, but simply allow life to swallow up the gifts God gave us in 2010.

So what will be your response to the lessons of 2010?

Have you committed all you have experienced to God in prayer?

What is God calling you to do in 2011 that will advance the Great Commission?

How will the relationships you built through these key events change your ministry efforts?

Let us commit together to respond to God’s leading in 2011.