Thank you Lausanne family for the tremendous blessing of your prayers and partnership. The Lord has provided!
As you may know we were surprised by a critical financial challenge in the last months of 2016 because one our most faithful donors was unable to fulfill a significant pledge. This put our volunteer-driven Movement under considerable strain at a time of almost unprecedented momentum. I felt a tremendous burden as we looked at the size of the financial shortfall and the incredibly short timeline before core activities of the Movement would need to be cut.
But the Lord mobilized the global church in beautiful ways.
With a flurry of donations in the last weeks of 2016 we counted gifts from 56 nations of the world, double that of 2015. As gifts came in from precious saints in Uganda, Israel, Aruba, and around the world, I felt like I was witnessing what the disciples saw when Jesus directed them to see with their eyes and their hearts the sacrificial giving of the widow of Mark 12.
We also have seen a remarkable symphony of giving from individuals, organizations, churches, and foundations which together provided all the funds needed to begin the year on budget. I am so grateful that we have not had to cut back any of the core activity of the Movement because of such generous giving!
While we are not yet ‘out of the woods’ in terms of making up the full amount of the lost pledge, we are now more securely positioned not only to survive but to drive forward with joy and freedom in our mission ‘to connect influencers and ideas for global mission’ in 2017.
The tremendous year-end giving came at such a critical time as we are developing a new sustainable financial model for the Movement. We pray this initiative will not only financially sustain the Movement but also will greatly strengthen our partnership with local churches around the world. The gifts that came in over the last few months will help bridge the gap until that partnership model is more fully established.
Please thank the Lord with me for the gifts of so many precious saints, and continue your prayers for the Lord’s provision for Lausanne in every way. I look forward to partnership with you in 2017 so that Christ may be known through all the world.