
Cape Town Reflections from the Lausanne Blogger Network

Jon Hirst 01 Nov 2010

One of my great joys has been to work with a wonderful group of bloggers who make up the Lausanne Blogger Network. They come from all over the world and represent many parts of the Body of Christ. Their perspectives are fresh, creative and worthy of our consideration.

I have asked them each to write their reflections on the congress in Cape Town and below you will find a list of links with some key thoughts pulled out. I will continue to add links to this page as the various member send me their postings. I pray these will encourage, challenge and inspire you.

Henk Medema: 10 things I learned in CapeTown

Henk shares how CapeTown 2010 helped him realize how big the church is today, how much suffering there is and yet how much hope we have in Christ.

Ryan Hannah: Partnering in the Body of Christ

Ryan walks through the five key issues he saw emerging from the event: Discipleship, Urban Centers, Islam, Suffering of the church and the significance of the church in China.

Mel Lawrenz: Vitality the Story?

Mel shares key insights he took away from Patrick Fung, Lindsay Brown, and Christopher Wright. He observes that, “at the center of Christian witness in the world today, is life itself–the vitality of the life of Christ in believers. (Is that a “missiological concept,” or just spiritual reality? Does it matter?) Where that vitality exists in the world, evangelism is happening like waves, and where life and rhetoric do not line up, evangelism is limp and lifeless.”

Mary DeMuth: 20 Things I Learned About God at Cape Town 2010

Mary shares some key lessons that she took away including: God is bigger than my country, God has a heart for the immigrant, God’s glory is beyond imagination, and 17 other valuable lessons.

Eddie Arthur: Final Reflections on Lausanne 3

Eddie provides a sense for the scale of the event and some points on which the event could have been more cross-cultural and intentional.

Leslie Keeney: 10 Things I Learned from Lausanne 2010

Leslie presents a varied list of things she learned including a renewed sense of how God speaks through dreams and visions even today. She also takes time to critique the role of women at the congress and ask some challenging questions.

Krish Kandiah: Lausanne 3: Hugely Encouraging by how significant?

Krish breaks down the question he was asked on the airplane ride home about the impact of the event and the long term significance.

James Carroll: A Covenant, A Manifesto, A Commitment

James begins a look at the Cape Town Commitment and the implications it will have for the Global Church.


Author's Bio

Jon Hirst

Cape Town 2010 Blogger Network Coordinator