
Issue Group 25: Making Disciples of Oral Learners

Reaching the visual and oral learners of the world.

The expected outcomes of the work done on this issue were:

  1. A challenge to the global church to seriously consider the importance of reaching those who need to hear the gospel in a non-written form.
  2. Provide guidelines for churches and mission agencies as to ways in which they can communicate and how stories can provide an excellent basis for communicating.
  3. Draw attention to the global church about those agencies who are already involved in creative ways of reaching oral learners as well as suggesting ways in which local churches with limited resources can reach these people.


Avery Willis, USA
Senior Vice President, International Mission Board, SBC

Steve Evans

Mark Snowden, USA
Communications Director, International Mission Board, SBC

Read the Lausanne Occasional Paper (LOP) produced by this Issue Group:

LOP 54: Making Disciples of Oral Learners (.pdf format; 477 KB)

This LOP was also produced in a booklet format by this issue group: Making Disciples of Oral Learners (.pdf format; 3.8 MB)

Learn more about the ongoing work of this issue group and the work of the International Orality Network.