Issue Networks

International Student Ministry

What’s the most strategic way to reach tomorrow’s world changers?

The Worldwide International Student Ministry Network (WIN) is a Lausanne issue network that seeks to enhance the development of the ISM ‘movement’ globally. Our vision is that every international student from every nation, in every nation, will have the opportunity to encounter the gospel and then become a catalyst for the gospel for every person, an evangelical church for every people, Christlike leaders for every church, and kingdom impact in every sphere of society.

We engage in ISM because international students and scholars represent both a current missional opportunity as well as the future leadership of the world. It is one of the greatest opportunities and strategies for global mission.

There are several reasons to engage in ISM. International students are:

  • Already in our countries and communities
  • Sufficiently conversant in our language
  • Often more responsive to the gospel and freer to consider it away from a restrictive society
  • Often from unreached people groups
  • Appreciative of hospitality and welcome relationships with host families or peer friendship
  • Potential transformative agents, nation builders, and returning witnesses
  • Informants to advance global mission
  • Gifts of God to the host country and national church

We encourage Christians in host nations which have immigrant communities and international students and scholars of other religious backgrounds to bear counter-cultural witness to the love of Christ in deed and word, by obeying the extensive biblical commands to love the stranger, defend the cause of the foreigner, visit the prisoner, practice hospitality, build friendships, invite into our homes, and provide help and services. The Cape Town Commitment II-C-5

Network Catalysts

Stephen Scott

Catalyst for International Student Ministry

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Yaw Perbi

Catalyst for International Student Ministry

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Francina de Pater

Catalyst for International Student Ministry

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