Adapting to Global Demographic Shifts: Engaging and Empowering the Next Generation in the Great Commission with Pearl Ganta & Matthew Niermann

Global demographics are rapidly changing, presenting both challenges and opportunities for fulfilling the Great Commission. In this episode, we welcome filmmaker and advocate Pearl Ganta to explore these shifts, particularly the rise of youth populations in the Majority World.

Through her work in media, filmmaking, and with the Apnao Foundation, Pearl sheds light on how these demographic changes demand creative approaches to Christian engagement and discipleship. We delve into how the church can effectively engage and empower the younger generations. Dr. Matthew Niermann, further deepens the conversation by analysing data from the „State of the Great Commission Report” revealing a diverse and promising landscape for the global Christian presence.

This episode is a call to action, urging listeners to rethink traditional engagement strategies and embrace the potential of emerging demographics through media. 

Join us as we explore how to adapt, empower, and partner with the next generation to fulfil the Great Commission in our dynamic world.


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Guests in This Episode

Pearl Ganta

Pearl Ganta, a dynamic filmmaker and compelling storyteller, serves as a speaker dedicated to influencing lives through media and social engagement. As the Co-Founder and Creative Director of UR Vision, a visionary media company, she channels her creativity into impactful narratives. Additionally, Pearl leads the Apnao Foundation as its Director. This pivotal social initiative champions the rights and wellbeing of vulnerable children, showcasing her commitment to advocacy and change

Matthew Niermann

Matthew Niermann has served the Lausanne Movement since 2010 in a variety of roles including research and operations. He is currently serving as the director of the State of the Great Commission Report for Lausanne 4. In addition, he serves as a dean and professor of architectural design at California Baptist University, where his research partially focuses on the relationship between creativity and Christian witness.

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